Challenging Nature
published by Ecco/Harper Collins, 2006
Professor of molecular biology and public policy in the Woodrow Wilson school of Public & International Affairs at Princeton University
Lee Silver photo
Princeton Courses
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Schimenti, J., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Decker, C. L., Islam, S. D., Pilder, S. H., and Silver, L. M. (1988). A candidate gene family for the mouse t complex responder (Tcr) locus responsible for haploid effects on sperm function. Cell 55: 71-78.
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Sarvetnick, N., Tsai, J. Y., Fox, H., Pilder, S. H., and Silver, L. M. (1989). A mouse chromosome 17 gene encodes a testes-specific transcript with unusual properties. Immunogenetics 30: 34-41.
Bibbins, K. B., Tsai, J. Y., Schimenti, J., Sarvetnick, N., Zoghbi, H. Y., Goodfellow, P., and Silver, L. M. (1989). Human homologs of two testes-expressed loci on mouse chromosome 17 map to opposite arms of chromosome 6. Genomics 5: 139-143.
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Blanche, H., de Gouyon, B., Kolaga, V., Dausset, J., Silver, L. M., Cann, H., and Spielman, R. (1989). Three loci homologous with murine t complex genes are localized in a 4 point linkage group on the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q). Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 51: 963.
Hammer, M. F., Schimenti, J., and Silver, L. M. (1989). Evolution of mouse chromosome 17 and the origin of inversions associated with t haplotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 86: 3261-3265.
Cebra-Thomas, J. A., and Silver, L. M. (1990). Genetic aspects of sperm differentiation and function in the mouse. In Elements of Mammalian Fertilization, P. M. Wassarman, ed. (Boca Raton, CRC Press), pp. 29-56.
Silver, L. M. (1990). New reproductive technologies in the treatment of human infertility and genetic disease. Theor Med 11: 103-110.
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Silver, L. M., and Babinet, C. (1990). Le clonage du locus T de la souris: une mutation du développement connue depuis longtemps entre dans l'âge de la biologie moléculaire. M S (Med Sci) 6: 574-575.
Silver, L. M., Nadeau, J., and Klein, J. (1991). Mammalian Genome: Editorial. Mammal. Genome 1: 1.
Snyder, L. C., and Silver, L. M. (1991). The mouse t complex responder locus. In Genome Analysis, K. D. a. S. Tilghman, ed. (New York, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press), pp. 37-57.
Silver, L. M. (1991). In memoriam Dorothea Bennett 1929-1990. Mamm Genome 1: 68-70.
Sheppard, R. D., Montagutelli, X., Jean, W. C., Tsai, J. Y., Rose, A., Guenet, J. L., Cole, M. D., and Silver, L. M. (1991). Two-dimensional gel analysis of complex DNA families: methodology and apparatus. Mamm Genome 1: 104-111.
Pilder, S. H., Hammer, M. F., and Silver, L. M. (1991). A novel mouse chromosome 17 hybrid sterility locus: implications for the origin of t haplotypes. Genetics 129: 237-246.
Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Decker, C. L., Snyder, L. C., Pilder, S. H., and Silver, L. M. (1991). Allele- and haploid-specific product generated by alternative splicing from a mouse t complex responder locus candidate. Nature 349: 239-241.
Hammer, M. F., Bliss, S., and Silver, L. M. (1991). Genetic exchange across a paracentric inversion of the mouse t complex. Genetics 128: 799-812.
Tsai, J. Y., and Silver, L. M. (1991). Escape from genomic imprinting at the mouse T-associated maternal effect (Tme) locus. Genetics 129: 1159-1166.
Gogolin, K. J., Wright, L. G., Kolaga, V. J., Silver, L. M., and Spielman, R. S. (1991). RFLPs detected with the human TCP10 gene, a homologue of a mouse t- complex gene. Nucleic Acids Res 19: 4313.
Artzt, K., Barlow, D., Dove, W. F., Fischer-Lindahl, K., Klein, J., Lyon, M. F., and Silver, L. M. (1991). Mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome 1: S280-300.
Silver, L. M. (1992). Bouncing off microsatellites. Nat Genet 2: 8-9.
Pilder, S. H., Decker, C. L., Islam, S., Buck, C., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., and Silver, L. M. (1992). Concerted evolution of the mouse Tcp-10 gene family: implications for the functional basis of t haplotype transmission ratio distortion. Genomics 12: 35-41.
Mancoll, R. E., Snyder, L. C., and Silver, L. M. (1992). Delineation of the t complex on mouse chromosome 17 by in situ hybridization. Mamm Genome 2: 201-205.
Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Tsai, J. Y., Pilder, S. H., Copeland, N. G., Jenkins, N. A., and Silver, L. M. (1992). Localization of the Mas proto-oncogene to a densely marked region of mouse chromosome 17 associated with genomic imprinting. Genomics 13: 444-446.
Snyder, L. C., and Silver, L. M. (1992). Distortion of transmission ratio by a candidate t complex responder locus transgene. Mamm Genome 3: 588-596.
Blanche, H., Wright, L. G., Vergnaud, G., de Gouyon, B., Lauthier, V., Silver, L. M., Dausset, J., Cann, H. M., and Spielman, R. S. (1992). Genetic mapping of three human homologues of murine t-complex genes localizes TCP10 to 6q27, 15 cM distal to TCP1 and PLG. Genomics 12: 826-828.
Silver, L. M., Artzt, K., Barlow, D., Fischer-Lindahl, K., Lyon, M. F., Klein, J., and Snyder, L. (1992). Mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome 3: S241-260.
Silver, L. M. (1993). Recordkeeping and database analysis of breeding colonies. Methods Enzymol 225: 3-15.
Himmelbauer, H., and Silver, L. M. (1993). High-resolution comparative mapping of mouse chromosome 17. Genomics 17: 110-120.
Silver, L. M., and Buck, C. (1993). The mouse t complex distorter-3 (Tcd-3) locus and transmission ratio distortion. Genet Res 62: 133-137.
Silver, L. M. (1993). The peculiar journey of a selfish chromosome: mouse t haplotypes and meiotic drive. Trends Genet 9: 250-254.
Pilder, S. H., Olds-Clarke, P., Phillips, D. M., and Silver, L. M. (1993). Hybrid sterility-6: a mouse t complex locus controlling sperm flagellar assembly and movement. Dev Biol 159: 631-642.
Sheppard, R. D., and Silver, L. M. (1993). Two-dimensional gel analysis of repetitive DNA families. Methods Enzymol 225: 701-715.
Hammer, M. F., and Silver, L. M. (1993). Phylogenetic analysis of the alpha-globin pseudogene-4 (Hba-ps4) locus in the house mouse species complex reveals a stepwise evolution of t haplotypes [published erratum appears in Mol Biol Evol 1994 Jan;11(1):158]. Mol Biol Evol 10: 971-1001.
Phillips, D. M., Pilder, S. H., Olds-Clarke, P. J., and Silver, L. M. (1993). Factors that may regulate assembly of the mammalian sperm tail deduced from a mouse t complex mutation. Biol Reprod 49: 1347-1352.
Islam, S. D., Pilder, S. H., Decker, C. L., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., and Silver, L. M. (1993). The human homolog of a candidate mouse t complex responder gene: conserved motifs and evolution with punctuated equilibria. Hum Mol Genet 2: 2075-2079.
Silver, L. M., Nadeau, J. H., and Klein, J. (1993). Gene list of the laboratory mouse. In Genetic Maps, Locus Maps of complex genomes, 6th edition, S. J. O'Brien, ed. (Cold Spring Harbor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press), pp. book 4, 53­109.
Silver, L. M. (1993). Encyclopedia of the mouse genome III. October 1993. Master locus list. Mamm Genome 4: S2-9.
Himmelbauer, H., Artzt, K., Barlow, D., Fischer-Lindahl, K., Lyon, M., Klein, J., and Silver, L. M. (1993). Encyclopedia of the mouse genome III. October 1993. Mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome 4: S230-252.
Silver, L. M. (1994). Genes and Gender (book review). Science 264: 116.
Tsai, J. Y., Namin-Gonzalez, M. L., and Silver, L. M. (1994). False association of human ESTs. Nat Genet 8: 321-322.
Bollag, R. J., Siegfried, Z., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Garvey, N., Davison, E. M., and Silver, L. M. (1994). An ancient family of embryonically expressed mouse genes sharing a conserved protein motif with the T locus. Nat Genet 7: 383-389.
Himmelbauer, H., Harvey, R. P., Copeland, N. G., Jenkins, N. A., and Silver, L. M. (1994). High-resolution genetic analysis of a deletion on mouse chromosome 17 extending over the fused, tufted, and homeobox Nkx2-5 loci. Mamm Genome 5: 814-816.
Forejt, J., Artzt, K., Barlow, D. P., Hamvas, R. M., Lindahl, K. F., Lyon, M. F., Klein, J., and Silver, L. M. (1994). Mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome 5: S238-258.
Silver, L. M. (1994). Master locus list. Mamm Genome 5: S291-295.
Silver, L. M. (1995). Mouse Genetics: Concepts and Practice (New York, Oxford University Press).
Yee, A. J., and Silver, L. M. (1995). Contraceptive vaccine formulations with sperm proteins. In Reproductive Immunology, R. Bronson, N. J. Alexander, D. Anderson, D. W. Branch, and W. H. Kutteh, eds. (Boston, Blackwell Scientific).
Forejt, J., Gregorova, S., Landikova, M., Capkova, J., and Silver, L. M. (1995). Genetic variations in parental imprinting on mouse chromosome 17. In Genomic Imprinting: Causes and Consequences, R. Ohlsson, K. Hall, and M. Ritzen, eds. (Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press), pp. 29-45.
Agulnik, S. I., Bollag, R. J., and Silver, L. M. (1995). Conservation of the T-box gene family from Mus musculus to Caenorhabditis elegans. Genomics 25: 214-219.
Reddi, P. P., Naaby-Hansen, S., Aguolnik, I., Tsai, J. Y., Silver, L. M., Flickinger, C. J., and Herr, J. C. (1995). Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid cloning and characterization of mSP- 10: the mouse homologue of human acrosomal protein SP-10. Biol Reprod 53: 873-881.
Agulnik, S. I., and Silver, L. M. (1996). The Cairo spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus shows a strong affinity to the Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus. Mol Biol Evol 13: 3-6.
Silver, L. M. (1996). Maps of the mouse t-complex. In Genetic Variants and Strains of the Laboratory Mouse, M. F. Lyon, S. Rastan, and S. D. M. Brown, eds. (Oxford, Oxford University Press), pp. 69-72.
Gibson-Brown, J. J., Agulnik, S. I., Chapman, D. L., Alexiou, M., Garvey, N., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1996). Evidence of a role for T-box genes in the evolution of limb morphogenesis and the specification of forelimb/hindlimb identity. Mech Dev 56: 93-101.
Melo, J. A., Shendure, J., Pociask, K., and Silver, L. M. (1996). Identification of sex-specific quantitative trait loci controlling alcohol preference in C57BL/ 6 mice. Nat Genet 13: 147-153.
Agulnik, S. I., Garvey, N., Hancock, S., Ruvinsky, I., Chapman, D. L., Agulnik, I., Bollag, R., Papaioannou, V., and Silver, L. M. (1996). Evolution of mouse T-box genes by tandem duplication and cluster dispersion. Genetics 144: 249-254.
Ewulonu, U. K., Snyder, L., Silver, L. M., and Schimenti, J. C. (1996). Promoter mapping of the mouse Tcp-10bt gene in transgenic mice identifies essential male germ cell regulatory sequences. Mol Reprod Dev 43: 290-297.
Chapman, D. L., Garvey, N., Hancock, S., Alexiou, M., Agulnik, S. I., Gibson-Brown, J. J., Cebra-Thomas, J., Bollag, R. J., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1996). Expression of the T-box family genes, Tbx1-Tbx5, during early mouse development. Dev Dyn 206: 379-390.
Chapman, D. L., Agulnik, I., Hancock, S., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1996). Tbx6, a mouse T-Box gene implicated in paraxial mesoderm formation at gastrulation. Dev Biol 180: 534-542.
Tsai, J. Y., and Silver, L. M. (1996). Sperm-egg binding protein or proto-oncogene? Science 271: 1432-1434; discussion 1434-1435.
Hamvas, R., Trachtulec, Z., Forejt, J., Williams, R. W., Arzt, K., Fischer-Lindahl, K., and Silver, L. M. (1996). Encyclopedia of the mouse genome V. Mouse chromosome 17. Mamm Genome 6: S281-299.
Silver, L. M. (1997). Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World (New York; also published in 14 foreign languages, Avon Books).
Silver, L. M. (1997). Alcohol addictability may be in the genes, but drunk driving is not! In Washington Post.
Eppig, J. T., and Silver, L. M. (1997). Chromosome Committee Reports for the Mouse Genome. Mamm Genome 7: 1-2.
Silver, L. M. (1997). Genetics goes to Hollywood. Nature Genetics 17: 260-261.
Chieffo, C., Garvey, N., Gong, W., Roe, B., Zhang, G., Silver, L., Emanuel, B. S., and Budarf, M. L. (1997). Isolation and characterization of a gene from the DiGeorge chromosomal region homologous to the mouse Tbx1 gene. Genomics 43: 267-277.
Agulnik, S. I., Ruvinsky, I., and Silver, L. M. (1997). Three novel T-box genes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genome 40: 458-464.
Durand, D., Ardlie, K., Buttel, L., Levin, S. A., and Silver, L. M. (1997). Impact of migration and fitness on the stability of lethal t-haplotype polymorphism in Mus musculus: a computer study. Genetics 145: 1093-1108.
Silver, L. M. (1997). My Lesson in School Politics. In New York Times (New York), pp. Op-Ed page.
Silver, L. M. (1997). Who says Mother Nature knows best? In The Sunday Times London, pp. Op-Ed page.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Remaking Eden: How Genetic Engineering and Cloning will Transform the American Family {revised paperback edition of Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World supplemented with a new 15 page Afterward} (New York, Avon Books).
Silver, L. M., Nadeau, J. H., Brown, S. D. M., Eppig, J. T., and Peters, J. (1998). Mammalian Genome, Incorporating Mouse Genome (editorial). Mamm Genome 9: 1.
Papaioannou, V. E., and Silver, L. M. (1998). The T-box gene family. Bioessays 20: 9-19.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Reprogenetics: How It Will Change Our World. Humanistic Judaism 26: 20-26.
Derr, R. L., Peirce, J. L., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Genetics of Alcohol Consumption in the House Mouse. Zoological Studies 37: 31-38.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Why I'm Giving Up on School Boards. In The School Administrator, pp. 50.
Agulnik, S. I., Papaioannou, V. E., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Cloning, mapping, and expression analysis of TBX15, a new member of the T-Box gene family. Genomics 51: 68-75.
Silver, L. M. (1998). A quandary that isn't: picking a baby's sex won't lead to disaster. In Time Magazine, pp. 83.
Ruvinsky, I., Silver, L. M., and Ho, R. K. (1998). Characterization of the zebrafish tbx16 gene and evolution of the vertebrate T-box family. Dev Genes Evol 208: 94-99.
Agulnik, II, Agulnik, S. I., Saatkamp, B. D., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Sex-specific modifiers of tail development in mice heterozygous for the brachyury (T) mutation. Mamm Genome 9: 107-110.
Gibson-Brown, J. J., S, I. A., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1998). Expression of T-box genes Tbx2-Tbx5 during chick organogenesis. Mech Dev 74: 165-169.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Cloning, Ethics, and Religion. Camb Quart. Healthcare Ethics 7: 168-172. {Also, reprinted in (161) "Contemporary Issues in Bioethics," p.682-687; fifth edition (1999), edited by Tom L. Beauchamp and LeRoy Walters; (1992) "Bioethics, Justice, and Healthcare," pp.1656-1660; (2001) edited by Wanda Teays and Laura M. Purdy (Wadsworth Pub.); "Readings in Healthcare Ethics," pp.1573-1576; (2001), ed. Wilfrid Waluchow and Elisabeth Boetzkes Broadview Press}.
Juneja, R., Agulnik, S. I., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Sequence divergence within the sperm-specific polypeptide TCTE1 is correlated with species-specific differences in sperm binding to zona- intact eggs. J Androl 19: 183-188.
Law, D. J., Garvey, N., Agulnik, S. I., Perlroth, V., Hahn, O. M., Rhinehart, R. E., Gebuhr, T. C., and Silver, L. M. (1998). TBX10, a member of the Tbx1-subfamily of conserved developmental genes, is located at human chromosome 11q13 and proximal mouse chromosome 19. Mamm Genome 9: 397-399.
Silver, L. M., and Silver, S. R. (1998). Confused Heritage and the Absurdity of Genetic Ownership. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 11: 593-618.
Shendure, J., Melo, J. A., Pociask, K., Derr, R., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Sex-restricted non-mendelian inheritance of mouse chromosome 11 in the offspring of crosses between C57BL/6J and (C57BL/6J x DBA/2J)F1 mice . Mamm Genome 9: 812-815.
Peirce, J. L., Derr, R., Shendure, J., Kolata, T., and Silver, L. M. (1998). A major influence of sex-specific loci on alcohol preference in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 inbred mice. Mammal. Genome 9: 942-948.
Ardlie, K. G., and Silver, L. M. (1998). Low frequency of t haplotypes in natural populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Evolution 52: 1185.
Sheppard, R. D., Samant, S. A., Rosenberg, M., Silver, L. M., and Cole, M. D. (1998). Transgenic N-myc mouse model for indolent B cell lymphoma: tumor characterization and analysis of genetic alterations in spontaneous and retrovirally accelerated tumors. Oncogene 17: 2073-2085.
Gibson-Brown, J. J., Agulnik, S. I., Silver, L. M., Niswander, L., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1998). Involvement of T-box genes Tbx2-Tbx5 in vertebrate limb specification and development. Development 125: 2499-2509.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Fertility for sale (very brief comments). In New York Times, pp. A21.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Year 2350: A Remade Eden. International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology in press.
Silver, L. M. (1998). Scientific Notes: Mankind is on the verge of self-evolution. In The Independent, London (London), pp. Op-Ed.
Hartwell, L., Hood, L., Goldberg, M., Reynolds, A., Silver, L. M., and Veres, R. (1999). Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (New York, McGraw-Hill).
Silver, L. M. (1999). Reprogenetic Technologies and the Forces that Will Drive Their Use. Annual Review of Law and Ethics 7: 3-12.
Silver, L. M. (1999). The Meaning of Genes and "Genetic Rights". Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science, and Technology (Quarterly journal of the American Bar Association Section on Science and Technology) 40: 9-19.
Silver, L. M. (1999). Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (book review). In Reason magazine, pp. 28.
Silver, L. M. (1999). Can you make my kid smarter? A dispatch from the frontiers of 21st century genetics. In Time Magazine (special issue titled "Beyond 2000: Your Body, our Planet"), pp. 68-69.
Silver, L. M. (1999). Human Cloning: Popular fictions versus scientific facts. Prometheus 1, issue 2: 77-83.
Samant, S. A., Fossella, J., Silver, L. M., and Pilder, S. H. (1999). Mapping and cloning recombinant breakpoints demarcating the Hybrid Sterility 6-specific sperm tail assembly defect. Mamm. Genome 10: 88-94.
Silver, L. M. (1999). Human Cloning: Is it copying people. Prometheus 1, issue 2: 89-91.
Hancock, S. N., Agulnik, S. I., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (1999). Mapping and expression analysis of the mouse ortholog of Xenopus Eomesodermin. Mech. Develop. 81: 205-208.
Silver, L. M. (1999). How Reprogenetics will Transform the American Family. Hofstra Law Review 27: 649-658.
Silver, L. M. (1999). Bioethicists must come down to earth. Nature 399: 728 (brief correspondence).
Silver, L. M. (2001). Mice as Experimental Organisms. In The Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences (John Wiley & Sons), pp.1-5.
Silver, L. M. (2000). The bioethics of human cloning. In The Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences (Elsevier Publishers).
Silver, L. M. (2000). Map of Life {Review of "Genome" by Matt Ridley}. In The Sunday New York Times Book Review, pp. 8.
Fossella, J., Samant, S. A., Silver, L. M., King, S. M., Vaughan, K. T., Olds-Clarke, P., Johnson, K. A., Mikami, A., Vallee, R. B., and Pilder, S. H. (2000). An axonemal dynein at the Hybrid Sterility 6 locus: implications for t haplotype-specific male sterility and the evolution of species barriers. Mamm Genome 11: 8-15.
Silver, L. M. (2000). Reprogenetics: How Reproductive and Genetic Technologies will be Combined to Provide New Opportunities for People to Reach their Reaching Reproductive Goals. In Engineering the Human Germline: An Exploration of the Science and Ethics of Altering the Genes We Pass to Our Children, G. Stock, and J. Campbell, eds. (New York, Oxford University Press), pp. 57-71.
Ruvinsky, I., Oates, A. C., Silver, L. M., and Ho, R. K. (2000). The evolution of paired appendages in vertebrates: T-box genes in the zebrafish. Dev Genes Evol 210: 82-91.
Silver, L. M. (2000). The Meaning of Life and Clones. In The Befuddled Stork: Helping persons of faith debate beginning-of-life issues, S. B. Geis, and D. E. Messer, eds. (Nashville, Abingdon Press), pp. 165-173.
Ahn, D. G., Ruvinsky, I., Oates, A. C., Silver, L. M., and Ho, R. K. (2000). tbx20, a new vertebrate T-box gene expressed in the cranial motor neurons and developing cardiovascular structures in zebrafish. Mech Dev 95: 253-258.
Silver, L. M. (2000). A Sheep and a Metaphor. Science 287: 1404-1405.
Yelon, D., Ticho, B., Halpern, M. E., Ruvinsky, I., Ho, R. K., Silver, L. M., and Stainier, D. Y. (2000). The bHLH transcription factor hand2 plays parallel roles in zebrafish heart and pectoral fin development. Development 127: 2573-2582.
Lanza, R. P., Caplan, A. L., Silver, L. M., Cibelli, J. B., West, M. D., and Green, R. M. (2000). The ethical validity of using nuclear transfer in human transplantation. Journal of the American Medical Association 284: 3175-3179.
Silver, L. M. (2000). Who owns the human genome? (Op-Ed). In New York Times (New York), pp. A16.
Silver, L. M. (2001). The Reproducers (book review of the Cooperative Gene). In The New York Times Book Review, pp. 13.
Silver, L. M. (2001). What are clones?: They're not what you think they are. Nature 412: 21.
Silver, L. M. (2001). Popular Cloning versus Scientific Cloning in Ethical Debates. New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 4: 47-57.
Silver, L. M. (2001). Thinking Twice, or Thrice, about Cloning. In The Cloning Sourcebook, A. J. Klotzko, ed. (New York City, Oxford University Press), pp. 61-69.
Silver, L. M. (2001). Confused Meanings of Life, Genes and Parents. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32: 647-661.
Silver, L. M. (2001). Watch What You Are Calling an Embryo, and Other Subtleties That Define the Debate. In The Washington Post, pp. B04.
Ruvinsky, I., Chertkov, O., Borue, X. t., Agulnik, S. I., Gibson-Brown, J. J., Lyle, S. R., and Silver, L. M. (2002). Genetics analysis of mouse mutations Abnormal feet and tail and rough coat, which cause developmental abnormalities and alopecia. Mamm Genome 13: 675-679.
Ahn, D.-g., Kourakis, M. J., Rohde, L. A., Silver, L. M., and Ho, R. K. (2002). T-box gene tbx5 is essential for formation of the pectoral limb bud. Nature 417: 754-758.
Silver, L. M. (2002). Public Policy Crafted in Response to Public Ignorance is Bad Public Policy (lecture transcript). Hastings Law Journal 53: 1037-1047.
Brodkin, E. S., Goforth, S. A., Keene, A., Fossella, J., and Silver, L. M. (2002). Identification of quantitative trait loci that affect aggressive behavior in mice. Journal of Neuroscience 22: 1155-1170.
Silver, L. M. (2002). Commentary: Brave New World Dawning. In The Edge, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpar).
Silver, L. M. (2003). Die Evolution und die Zunkunft des Menschen (Evolution and the Future of Humankind). In Evolution: Geschichte und Zukunft der Lebensdauer. (Evolution: The history and future of human life), E. P. Fischer, and K. Wiegandt, eds. (Berlin, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag), pp. 324-337.
Silver, L. M. (2003). Biotechnology and conceptualizations of the soul. Camb Q Healthc Ethics 12: 335-341.
Bruce, A. E., Howley, C., Zhou, Y., Vickers, S. L., Silver, L. M., King, M. L., and Ho, R. K. (2003). The maternally expressed zebrafish T-box gene eomesodermin regulates organizer formation. Development 130: 5503-5517.
Peirce, J. L., Lu, L., Gu, J., Silver, L. M., and Williams, R. W. (2004). A new set of BXD recombinant inbred lines from advanced intercross populations in mice. BMC Genet 5: 7.
Brodkin, E. S., Hagemann, A., Nemetski, S. M., and Silver, L. M. (2004). Social approach-avoidance behavior of inbred mouse strains towards DBA/2 mice. Brain Res 1002: 151-157.
Harrelson, Z., Kelly, R. G., Goldin, S. N., Gibson-Brown, J. J., Bollag, R. J., Silver, L. M., and Papaioannou, V. E. (2004). Tbx2 is essential for heart chamber development in mouse. Development 131:5041-5052.
Durand, D., Bendix, E., Ardlie, K., Ewens, W., and Silver, L. M. (2005). Genetic Drift in Populations of Distorting Gene Complexes. Genetics submitted.
Silver, L. M. (April 5, 2004). The God Effect. Newsweek International: Cover Story.
Silver, L. M. (2004). Stalking life's second secret. Nature 431: 905-906.
Silver, L. M. (2005). Future Stories of Human Evolution. In the Engelsberg Seminars (in press).
Silver, L. M. (May-June, 2006) The environment's best friend: GM or organic? New York Academy of Sciences magazine
Silver, L. (2008) Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch, 1907-2007. Nature Genetics 40: 1417
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