Human embryo stem cells
represent the greatest hope for medical therapies that will allow physicians to regenerate every
worn-out or diseased tissue and organ in a person's body. If the foundational science was developed
in the U.S. and Europe, why are all the scientific advances now being made in China, South Korea
and Singapore?
 Think Christian fundamentalists
and New Age organic food devotees have nothing in common? That's what they think. But their
passionate opposition to biotechnology springs from a common religious source, whether they know
it or not.
 What is a human embryo,
and what is a human clone? Think science can provide the definitions? Actually, every scientific
definition is riddled with logical inconsistencies, which is why scientific proponents and theological
opponents will never see eye-to-eye, and obfuscation is always the best strategy.
Two video clips show human organisms, one shows another microorganism. What's the difference? |
 What makes a living,
breathing, thinking organism a human being? Think you know? Not so fast. How would
you judge the following creations, which are all feasible based on extensions of currently existing
biotechnologies: A mouse with a brain derived entirely from human stem cells; A pig with a human
heart derived entirely from human stem cells; A pig engineered with skin, legs, arms, and hands that
appear human, although they don't have human genes; Two adult mice with human stem-cell derived germ
cells, who engage in sexual intercourse to produce a full human embryo that is implanted into a woman's
womb to produce a fully human baby. Are the baby's parents human, mice, or something else?
 In a few years, embryo
stem cell technologies developed in England or Asia could allow a woman suffering from a lethal disease
to receive therapeutic treatment based entirely on cellular material obtained from her own mouth
and eggs. But legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives would make it a felony
for an American resident to receive this therapy. The punishment? Up to ten years in prison
and a one million dollar fine. It's not surprising that pro-life legislators, along with President
Bush, want to use desperate women as political pawns. And yet, the feminist hero Judy Norsigian
(author of Our Bodies, Ourselves)
and other left-wing activists have entered into a formal
alliance with Right-wingers in this debate. Why?
 How long does it take
a soul to get to heaven, and where is heaven located? According to a 1906
science article in the New York Times ( shown to the right), it took a whole minute for
the soul to leave an expired man who was "slow of thought and action."According to the
Balinese (and many others in the world), spirits take at least an hour but no more than a few days
to get
to heaven in the blue sky above, which is easy to see on a clear day. In the Ghanaian
version of heaven reserved for those who are Christian believers, everyone gets their own Rolls-Royce
to cruise down clean streets lined with glass and steel skyscrapers. And among the one-third of Princeton
University students who believe in an afterlife, half couldn't decide whether the soul goes to an
heaven in the sky or one in a parallel dimensionless Cartesian "dimension." (Actually,
Descartes didn't think the soul went anywhere after death.)
 How do we count people? If
you think this is a silly question, consider the following real-life situations? Abigail
and Brittany Hensel ( shown below) -- two heads attached to
a single torso with two arms, two legs and a single reproductive system. They can run, swim,
and ride a bike together. Should they marry one man or two? If they become pregnant, who will
be the mother? The left and right brain hemispheres of a patient dubbed V.J. (and others) were surgically
severed to eliminate epileptic seizures. Now
the two hemispheres
each have their own independent minds and they don't get along. Can the speaking left brain
legally eliminate the mute mind in the right brain? How do these two minds in one body differ
from Abigail and Brittany.
 Acetaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene,
1,2,5,6-dibenz(a)anthracene, styrene, toluene. These are some of the natural carcinogenic
chemicals found in every cup of organic (and non-organic) coffee. Scientists
have known about them for over a decade, so why don't they care and why is everyone else in the
 When author Michael Crichton
and director Stephen Spielberg created the movie Jurassic Park, scientists protested that
it gave non-scientists the wrong idea. It would -- they said -- always be impossible to use
biotechnology to recreate dinosaurs. In fact, biotechnologists now understand that the
creation of dinosaur-like creatures will almost certainly be a possibility before the end of the
current century (although not in the way Crichton suggested). Why are so many biotech scientists
unwilling to admit and confront the power of their own technology?