Table of Contents
Part I. Spirits
1. Soul and Spirit Stories
2. Science, Faith, and Religion
3. Spiritual Categories
4. A Scientific Critique of the Soul
5. The Origin of Spiritual Beliefs
Part II. Human Beings
6. Not Quite Human, But Not Quite Not
7. The Embryonic Soul
8. The Politics of Cloning
9. Counting Souls
10. Human-Animal Combinations
Part III. Mother Nature
11. Metaphor and Reality
12. Darwin's Unwanted Explanation
13. Organic, All-Natural Food
14. All-Natural Medicine
Part IV. Biotechnology and the Biosphere
15. In the Service of Humankind
16. The Battle for Mother Nature's Genes
17. Paradise Lost and Gained
Part V. The Final Chapter?
18. Culture, Religion, and Ethics
19. Technology
20. Magic and The Future of the Human Soul