Challenging Nature
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Princeton teaching
Organic farmers never use toxic chemical pesticides
on their crops, right? GM crops are more likely to be dangerous than organic
ones, right? Actually, the first claim is factually incorrect, and the
second flies in the face of empirical data! So why are so many people so
easily fooled?
Organic food is promoted as safer than “conventional” food
because it is grown without chemical pesticides, and better for the environment
because it excludes the use of any genetically engineered organisms. Both
of these claims are false. Organic advocates who make them are either self-deluding,
ignorant of the real practice of organic farming, or purposely trying to
fool consumers.
fact, organic farmers DO use chemical pesticides including pyrethrin
(C21H28O3), one of several common toxic chemicals sprayed onto organic
fruit trees—even on the day of harvesting (if it wasn't toxic to
pests, it wouldn't be used). Another organic chemical is rotenone (C23H22O6),
a potent neurotoxin, long used to kill fish and recently linked to Parkinson's
How can organic farmers justify the
use of these and other chemical pesticides? The answer comes from the
delusion that substances produced by living organisms are not really
chemicals, but rather organic constituents of nature. Since pyrethrin
is produced naturally by chrysanthemums and rotenone comes from a native
Indian vine, they are deemed organic and acceptable for use on organic
farms. Even the highly lethal poison strychnine is considered “organic” because
it is made naturally, although it’s too lethal for use by even
organic farmers. (In reality, no currently approved pesticide --
whether organic or not -- has a detectable effect on the health of consumers.)
Meanwhile, the pigs grown on organic farms need to
be fed supplements of phosphorous (a required mineral), because the phosphorous
in their grain is poorly absorbed and is mostly excreted into manure. Phosophorous-rich
pig manure is a major cause of ecological degradation in Northern Europe
and East Asia, and has killed all of the aquatic life in some rivers and
estuaries. A cheap and efficient solution to this environmental problem
could be achieved by providing pigs with a gene (naturally found in the
human gut) that produces an enzyme for digesting phosphorous contained
in grain. Organic farmers are unable to even consider such a solution because
of their religious faith in the beneficence of Mother Nature over "human
artifact." In fact, crops like corn, tomatoes and apples (and
most others) simply didn't exist as edible entities until they were created
by selective breeding, long ago.
Although some natural organic substances like strychnine
and ricin are lethal to everyone, and are not used in agriculture, other
common food substances -- present most notably in soy and peanuts -- are
harmless to most people but can cause severe allergies in some children,
leading to anaphylactic shock and occasionally death. Organic soy and peanuts
are just as toxic to these unfortunate children as conventionally produced
foods. But the biochemistry of these allergies is very well understood,
and already, a much less allergenic soy has been engineered by shutting
off the activity of a particular gene. If one day, conventional farmers
switch their planting to such precisely engineered crops, they will benefit
thousands of children who would have otherwise suffered greatly. However,
organic farmers will refuse to consider the evidence and will blindly continue
to plant and sell their allergenic soy and peanuts, leading to suffering
and death that could have been avoided.
Absolute faith in dogma, of any kind, when the evidence
demonstrates that the dogma is false, is the definition of fundamentalism.
Blind organic advocates are no different, in this regard, from Christian
fundamentalists or Muslim fundamentalists, who willing sacrifice individual
human lives for some “greater good.”
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One body/two souls?
Organic farmers are allowed to spray this onto their
"chemical-free" organic plants